Wednesday, July 14, 2010

2 Samuel 4-6: The Holy and the Undignified

Reading for today: 2 Samuel 4-6

I used to get quite upset when I would read about people who died because they touched the ark or got too close or whatever.  It just doesn't seem fair.

Uzzah was trying to help.  He was trying to keep the ark from falling.  And then he's dead?  How unfair is that?

I have a really difficult time with the concept of holiness, of God who is so other that I can't look on him, touch him, connect to him without the sacrifice of Jesus.

Think of Isaiah--"Woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips"
Think of John in the book of Revelation, who falls down as though dead.

God is holy.
He is awesome.
He is fearful.
He is Other.

Uzzah forgot that.
He knew God's laws and he broke them because it made sense at the time.
We can never rationalize breaking God's laws, even now.
Not even to fix things for him.

How grateful I am for Jesus, for grace, for forgiveness, that we can call God Father.

Second major thought in this passage--
David dancing around in his underwear and his wife rebuking him saying, you looked really stupid.  Silly.  Foolish.  Undignified.  Kings should never do that.

None of us are kings, but we often worry about appearing foolish or undignified in worshiping the true King.
Raising our hands in worship.
Singing loudly.
Going to the altar.
Weeping loudly.
Falling face down on the ground.

David understood that although he was a king, he was subject to the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords.
And he made himself nothing in worship before his God.

David understood that God is holy.  Awesome.
His crazy undignified worship reflected his position before the Lord.

And this is why David was a man after God's own heart.
May we be the same.
May we do the same.

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